Sunday, September 26, 2010

Greetings and Salutations!

I just had a son. Four months ago, I had a little boy and he's amazing. I was never a baby person and I never envisioned myself having kids. Then I met (well, re-met - more on that later) my husband and that little light bulb went off in me. Fast forward almost seven years and viola!

So, pregnancy took a sizable toll on me physically and I weigh more than I ever have before. I had close to zero motivation to do anything about it until tonight when I watched "Whip It" again for the umpteenth time. I had thought about trying out for roller derby a year ago but my life was too up-in-the-air at that time - starting back in my PhD program mainly. I didn't think I'd have the time.

Now it's become clear that I have to make the time. I need to grab a hold of something that's for me... the me before life swept me away. I'm not looking for an escape. I'm looking for a little wedge to help fill out the Trivial Pursuit piece that is my life now. Balance is a good and healthy thing.

So, here I go - I'm going to train for the Ann Arbor Derby Dimes boot camp in January. Follow along, if you'd like. Now, what should my Derby name be....?

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